Saturday, 17th June 2023 saw 14 club members join with Multistory to deliver a successful Wednesbury Day as part of a full week of 'We Are Wednesbury' celebrations.
While artists Martyn Harris, Gerry Stokes, Stan Tucker and Richard Noble, together With Dudley Society of Artists guest Terry Glazebrook, took up positions in the Market Place to create live landscapes art, others members of TAY's art trip entertained visitors at Wednesbury Museum & Art Gallery. They included; Della Perry & Chloe Hamblett (childrens art), Kate Pickford (colouring), Sonia Beynon (Bearmore Bears), Karen Brinton (sketchbook collective), Peter Grail (cranky story) and Paul Brown (clay modelling). Meanwhile Harry Bloomer roved around the area recording events for Black Country Xtra podcast and the whole event was captured in a series of photographs by Keiran Mills.
It was a busy day with many noteworthy results not least of which was the premiere of Peter Grail's cranky artwork 'The Tail of The Black Country Bryndell'. The story was written by puppeteer Peter who manufactured the cranky machine and created the picture images while attending the gallery's Wednesday Art Club. After seen Peter's hard work and reading the script Harry had decided to lend Peter a hand to bring the story to life and help Peter premiere his creation. Harry got together with presenter Sandra Robinson from TAY's Black Country Xtra team and recorded Sandra reading the story, which he then edited with typical Black Country sound FXs, bringing the tail to life.

Mixed audiences, both young and old viewed Peter's cranky show during the day and gave terrific feedback.
