GOING AHEAD - 1st Wellbeing Art Walk
After weeks of leadership training, route planning and risk assessments the 1st of our Wellbeing

Art Walks went ahead on Thursday, 31st August 2023.
Alex Burgess led the walk supported by Karen Brinton and the pair are asked walkers to meet together on the car park for Corngreaves Nature Reserve for the walk which sets off at 10:30am. Alex had asked walkers to, "Bring along your own sketchbook, camera and essential items such as water. The car park is FREE and there's no charge for taking part".
Alex and Karen plan to hold regular wellbeing art walks every month at either Corgreaves Nature Reserve or around the adjoining lands of Haden Hill Park.
Karen mentioned, "Our team of walkers from The Art Yard gallery are extremely grateful to Saba Yafai from Public Health Sandwell for helping to establish our wellbeing art walks as part of the Sandwell Stride programme under the umbrella of the Ramblers Association. Participants will be able to drop into the nearby gallery after the walk for a chat and a cup of coffee".
For more information contact the gallery by phone on: 01384 910968 or by email to: infoartyard@gmail.com